attic CLI

The following are the help messages that will be printed when you invoke any sub-command with --help:


Attic binary cache client Usage: attic <COMMAND> Commands: login Log into an Attic server use Configure Nix to use a binary cache push Push closures to a binary cache cache Manage caches on an Attic server watch-store Watch the Nix Store for new paths and upload them to a binary cache help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version

attic login

Log into an Attic server Usage: attic login [OPTIONS] <NAME> <ENDPOINT> [TOKEN] Arguments: <NAME> Name of the server <ENDPOINT> Endpoint of the server [TOKEN] Access token Options: --set-default Set the server as the default -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version

attic use

Configure Nix to use a binary cache Usage: attic use <CACHE> Arguments: <CACHE> The cache to configure. This can be either `servername:cachename` or `cachename` when using the default server. Options: -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version

attic push

Push closures to a binary cache Usage: attic push [OPTIONS] <CACHE> [PATHS]... Arguments: <CACHE> The cache to push to. This can be either `servername:cachename` or `cachename` when using the default server. [PATHS]... The store paths to push Options: --stdin Read paths from the standard input --no-closure Push the specified paths only and do not compute closures --ignore-upstream-cache-filter Ignore the upstream cache filter -j, --jobs <JOBS> The maximum number of parallel upload processes [default: 5] -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version

attic watch-store

Watch the Nix Store for new paths and upload them to a binary cache Usage: attic watch-store [OPTIONS] <CACHE> Arguments: <CACHE> The cache to push to. This can be either `servername:cachename` or `cachename` when using the default server. Options: --ignore-upstream-cache-filter Ignore the upstream cache filter -j, --jobs <JOBS> The maximum number of parallel upload processes [default: 5] -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version

attic cache

Manage caches on an Attic server Usage: attic cache <COMMAND> Commands: create Create a cache configure Configure a cache destroy Destroy a cache info Show the current configuration of a cache help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version

attic cache create

Create a cache. You need the `create_cache` permission on the cache that you are creating. Usage: attic cache create [OPTIONS] <CACHE> Arguments: <CACHE> Name of the cache to create. This can be either `servername:cachename` or `cachename` when using the default server. Options: --public Make the cache public. Public caches can be pulled from by anyone without a token. Only those with the `push` permission can push. By default, caches are private. --priority <PRIORITY> The priority of the binary cache. A lower number denotes a higher priority. <> has a priority of 40. [default: 41] --upstream-cache-key-name <NAME> The signing key name of an upstream cache. When pushing to the cache, paths signed with this key will be skipped by default. Specify this flag multiple times to add multiple key names. [default:] -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version

attic cache configure

Configure a cache. You need the `configure_cache` permission on the cache that you are configuring. Usage: attic cache configure [OPTIONS] <CACHE> Arguments: <CACHE> Name of the cache to configure Options: --regenerate-keypair Regenerate the signing keypair. The server-side signing key will be regenerated and all users will need to configure the new signing key in `nix.conf`. --public Make the cache public. Use `--private` to make it private. --private Make the cache private. Use `--public` to make it public. --priority <PRIORITY> The priority of the binary cache. A lower number denotes a higher priority. <> has a priority of 40. --upstream-cache-key-name <NAME> The signing key name of an upstream cache. When pushing to the cache, paths signed with this key will be skipped by default. Specify this flag multiple times to add multiple key names. --retention-period <PERIOD> Set the retention period of the cache. You can use expressions like "2 years", "3 months" and "1y". --reset-retention-period Reset the retention period of the cache to global default -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version

attic cache destroy

Destroy a cache. Destroying a cache causes it to become unavailable but the underlying data may not be deleted immediately. Depending on the server configuration, you may or may not be able to create the cache of the same name. You need the `destroy_cache` permission on the cache that you are destroying. Usage: attic cache destroy [OPTIONS] <CACHE> Arguments: <CACHE> Name of the cache to destroy Options: --no-confirm Don't ask for interactive confirmation -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version

attic cache info

Show the current configuration of a cache Usage: attic cache info <CACHE> Arguments: <CACHE> Name of the cache to query Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version